About Designerslane888

Designerslane888 is a reseller of Guaranteed Authentic Items like Apparels, Bags, Shoes and Accessories. We offer Brand New and Pre-owned Items. We also accept Consignment with a very low commission. We are not affliated with Louis Vuitton, Chanel and more. We are only reselling these items. We don't sell, use or patronize Fake or China-made items. Purely Authentic items from US and Europe designers.

Brand New: It means that the item is not used and it was recently bought for re-sell. No problem with its condition because its fresh from the store or outlet. Some items can have receipt but most of the time, copy of the receipt will be given but not the original one for safe keeping. It is complete inclusions like tags, cards, dustbag, box and paperbag. 

Pre-owned/Used: It means that the items is used already for quite sometime. It maybe consigned, personally owned or bought in a second hand shop. Some pre-owned may have been polished and cleaned in a bag spa before reselling it. So that buyers can have satisfaction in each item bought. Please expect that the item may have light scratches BUT we don't sell items that have major damaged leathers or not good looking anymore.


100% Excellent Condition - means used already once or twice and kept already. Very clean inside and out. No scratches. Good as new.

90% Very good condition - means used already twice or more and kept already. Have light scratches but still bearable and good looking.

80% Good condition - means used already twice or more and kept already. With scratches but still good looking, some may have stained parts but still unnoticeable.

70% fair condition - means used already twice or more and kept already. With scratches, some deformed parts, not so clean hardwares or leathers but still you can carry it for everyday luxury use.


If you want to sell something to us, please email us at designerslane888@gmail.com


Schedule of Pre-orders will be posted on the site.


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